Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's been a SCRAMBLED kinda Week.


It's the SUNDAY SCRAMBLE with Justine and I have waited all week!!!! This week has been insane..kinda, sorta?!

I got a call a little while ago from the Hubs that sent me into overdrive! He's on his way home, "WHAT NOW?" Yeah I wonder what was running through his mind when I said that...hahaha. So I woke the 5 boys up that were strategically placed ALL over my living room and BARKED "Dad's on his way home...clean up your bachelor party gone wrong mess and clean up NOW" followed by "Do as much as you can Mommy's gotta go blog" PRIORITIES....He wasn't supposed to be home yet, so if it's a mess it's his fault and Uncle Sam's after all they robbed me of getting to see the new Denzel Movie for Friday night date night....f#$&ers!

I'm so Saturday nights aren't even cool anymore. I used to relish the weekends and play WOW on Saturday's even lost it's luster...what the hell is wrong with me? Last night I watched back to back basketball games...UK then KU...I hate KU but I had to watch just to see if The Cats could hold their #1 ranking....seriously totally not me, especially by myself, well plus beer.
But before the game my girlfriend and I sat on the phone surfing the net for boudoir and pin up photographers...till her husband got home and most likely wondered what in God's name she was upto. I can imagine that conversation :)


But we were productive she is all knowing and that's one of the reasons I LOVE her. With her expertise I believe I have founded the camera that I will spend some of my tax cut on!! YAY

Oh speaking of the new found generosity of the Hubby and my part of the taxes. The MYSTERY has been solved!!!! His gov't travel card bill came in...ohh he's an ASSHAT. $800 worth of charges in 2 weeks...Seriously what strippers car note did you pay for the month? No wonder he was like Baby take a thousand and spend it on YOU, nothing for the house, or the HMMM

ON to stripperific...I'm not knocking it I would totally do it to feed my kids..and I LOVE glitter. But if you are do not want to date a lonely cheating housewife...So if you are reading this...I am a lonely housewife and I am not into other housewives...geez. Now if you can find me a lonely househusband HOLLAR at your girl...***I do not condone infidelity, I entertain the thought. I AM JUST PLAYING PEOPLE!!

Damn I'm full of sprite and vinegar this morning. Muhahahaha

Have you been following the Xgames? See told you I'm a lameo or the testosterone has finally fried my brain..But I am now in love with Kelly Clark and I want to be just like her when I grow up. I'm gonna learn to snowboard right after the guitar lessons that I haven't told the Hubs he has to pay for.
Isn't she AWESOME? Even though Beiler beat her. Kelly you still have my heart :)


That's like 2000 ft of air

I'm getting hungry so I'm gonna have to wrap this up...and Mickey D's just showed their commercial for the Mac Snack Wrap...have you tried it yet...I had 3 this week I think I've found a lover. It's all the goodness and artery clogging of the Big Mac but without the overzealous BUNS...what's not too LOVE hun?

Also Miss Justine are we supposed to be using your super cute breakfast face or should we find our own sausage? teehheee

Till next Sunday `when you get to see my scrambled brain cells my loves..
I'll be cleaning up pee, cooking for the masses and refing boxing matches <3

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Easy Peasy

Get your craft on Thurs.

I'm linkin up again with The Lovely Lori for her Get your Craft on Thursday. Little late this morning posting but I had coffee this morn with my "Favorite Airforce Wife Husband" accompanied by a lil chit chatting bashing on life! So a pot of joe later and I am ready to show you my craftiness for the week...

It was super easy and it's nothing big and didn't require alot on my part but it's one of my favorite parts of the computer room.
I'm cheap and you should all know that by now, sorry but it was either genetically ingrained or the military pay check that has caused me to be this way...I could go on and on about my lack of spending and that my favorite phrase is "After taxes" bahahaha. But I will continue on to the good stuff.

On my Hobby Lobby trip a few weeks ago I caught some great deals and instead of getting what I needed to finish my on going projects I walked out with new materials and inspiration for new goodies...Don't you love when that happens?


I bought these because I love decorating with them, they were also on SALE :) But I didn't want to do the normal thing with them i.e. display them in a cute container. My computer room is lacking in "table space" and "wall space" so I'm having to think outside the box in this room!

SOOO what to do.... I've got a soft spot for ribbons and sparkle but not in the conventional way. And I always fall in love with the most expensive ones, but never talk myself into buying it...unless it's on SALE....dang it was my lucky day!
But for once I didn't have to settle on the one I liked but didn't LOVE at half price I couldn't pass it'll have to tune in later to see what else I have done with the ribbon.


So you add it all up, throw in a little hot glue for good measure, a few nails for hanging and this is what you get.....


So I LOVE them and it was so easy peasy!! Here's a look at it from the door you can get the full effect. I'm still trying to find the perfect curtains for this might be what I spend some of my "cut" of the taxes on, we'll see. I guess it's been so long since I bought curtains I didn't realize how hard finding the perfect ones is!


Well now I'm off to shampoo up the puppy pee blahh, help the Hubs pack and pull dinner for 10 out of my a&% with what I have left the day before payday....this should be interesting.

Have fun Crafting ya'll!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Females"....*shakes head*


My home is dominated by males, we watch guy shows, do guy things, and they even voted to keep the toilet seat up since there is only one person in the house (me) that needs it down. So is it any wonder that those that dwell in my house just don't understand the things that plague my gender?

I'm prone to what has been lovingly deemed "Girl Freak-outs" thanks to my guys. One week a month they all walk on egg-shells...they try to be extra loving and overlook that I am not myself. There are sometimes that even question what the hell is wrong with me??? So is it any wonder that when something so teeny is blown up to a catastrophic event that I get the "Females" grin and shake head gesture?

I find myself doing the same this morning... A friend of mine, who is the mother of another scout and one that I have been friends with for a year or so deleted me from her facebook this morning, cause I haven't found enough time for her...I guess it's no love lost.

My only sister whom I used to be thick as thieves with and I have had some bad blood recently, she married my Hubby's best friend a year ago this month, and they too haven't really been speaking...due to the sister feud. We haven't spoken in about 9 months, my brother called me to tell me the big news. Wait till you hear. After my conversation with him I decided to call yesterday to talk to her and tell her I love her guess what she gave birth to my nephew Sunday morning. Last time I had spoken to her she thought she was prego. So I'm a new aunt to Kane Michael who is a healthy 7lb little brother to my niece Bella Rene` who also happens to look just like me and is my namesake. Now what if I hadn't called yesterday? I don't blame her, I'm trying to put myself in her shoes I guess, cause it's not totally her fault. But WOW I guess alot happened in 9 months huh? Alot that I missed out on cause both of us are sooo hardheaded.


Red (my sis) and Me

Bella my minion...I was there when she took her first breath <3

Another good friend of mine has decided to leave her hubby of 14 years and her 5 kids and apparently I get the 6 of them in the divorce and not her. It leaves me to wonder what makes us tick?

I know people change, grow apart and lead different lives. BELIEVE me I understand that aspect. But why is nothing ever small, subtle, or not emotional with our gender? Is it cause we LOVE so deeply? We care so much? Is it cause a blow out is sometimes our only closure that we can't let things gradually change?

I'm not blaming any of my fellow sisters...I can always handle something differently, and hope to get better and better at coping with what life throws my way. Even if it's just horrible P.M.S, running out of pepsi, or having a bad hair day. I guess what I am trying to say is I don't want anymore "Females" shake head kinda moments.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mama's Got a Brand New Bag


And she's so freakin excited!!

Can you feel my excitement through the screen???
After 10 years of wiping noses, and rear ends, babysitting every neighbors' kid we've ever had, and serving drunks drinks past the point of intoxication...I finally did it!
What did I do you ask? I'm a STUDENT!!

In the next week I'll receive my books, my courses, a few polo shirts and some freakin scrubs!! I love cute. For awhile I actually listed all careers that involved scrubs, just so I could wear them. Yeah my love for them is that deep. I might even get cutesy and make my own...ohh the possiblities. YES I know I'm not normal.


$5960 later I am enrolled to complete my degree at California Animal Behavior College <---I'm pretty sure that's a name that they may have just pulled out of a hat...or their ass...but who cares it's a DEGREE.
I've put it off for so know the whole "well Hubby it's kinda hard to plan a career around yours" card, yeah I've played that one for A LONG time. Well he finally called my hand on that one!!
So I got my panties out of a wad and decided to get my shit together. A process that takes usually about 6 weeks, I did in about 4 hours....I am uber proud of myself *pats self on back* The Hubs is pretty stoked too.

For years now I have lacked the motivation to do anything about my dreams, or really anything that applies to me. I've struggled right through along side the Hubby while he achieved what started as his dream and ended up being the family's dream. People have asked me what that's supposed to mean? But see when you have a vital person in a group i.e. a family that wants something SO bad they can taste it, those surrounding them and those who are an intricate part of that person's life begin to taste it too. They also  begin to sacrifice for the cause, and that is exactly what the four of us did. My Hub will tell you, and he tells all the newbies, if your family ain't on board and don't stand behind you through the blood, sweat and tears, it's a LONG road. He says if it wasn't for US he wouldn't have made it where he is today.
So it finally clicked for me. Instead of using all of that as an excuse, I should be using it as motivation. I don't just want the boys to see dreams become realities through their Daddy, but through ME also. And the only person who can make that happen is me.

I am officially on my way to being a vet assistant, a groomer, trainer, and shelter animal rescuer...(yes that is a has a "technical" name but I'm too lazy to look it up and didn't really pay attention during registration) Dang I'm gonna be a sparkling student :)
But that field totally fits me, I'm the gal that breeds and births the dogs on the block, I'm the one that brings home strays and nurses them back to health. Digs bullets out of farm dogs, I've saved 2 pups from parvo...which might I add here...even the Veterinarian told me I couldn't do it pfff WELL I did. In reality I think I've finally found my fit!
So eventually I'll be working in a vet's office or worse case scenario and I am feeling kinda stiffled  I can rescue animals, train'em, clean'em up and sell them on craigslist bahahahaha. I foresee such a future ;)
All in all this is a pretty good way to kick start my week..

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Sunday Scramble...a little late


So I'm back...I know you missed me. but it's all good!! And the only reason I am on here at this very moment and not cuddlin with the Hubs <3 is to hook up with Justine's SUNDAY SCRAMBLE! I thought this was such a cute thing she was doing and was secretly  hoping that she would turn it into some kind of link up, so that I didn't have to COPY err umm well copy something else Justine was doing bahaha.

So the hubs is home....sigh.....and sporting a mighty fine tan, which me LOVES. He got in yesterday and picked up the youngest hoodlum and got to have a little Daddy/son time with him....aka play COD and eat junk food till they fell asleep where they sat. Which really doesn't differ too much from Mommy/son that sad?

Last night at the campfire, you remember the oldest and I were in the wilderness this weekend, discussions of WOW and COD (for all you nongamers...World Of War Craft and Call of Duty, are you tracking now?) were flighting about and I was right on point with all the 11-17 year old males....this does make one question your goals in life. Being that I was the envy of all the boys, disturbingly not for hormone raging reasons but the level of my characters...I think I need a new hobby.
Here's what had me mesmorized  all weekend, and it held off the effects of frostbite pretty well too, thank God, cause man it was COLDER than a well diggers hiney, no lie.


Is there any wonder they call it "Ranger T.V."?
So the next camp out is survival camping, with just  a sleeping bag, emergency kit, and 48 hours...hmm think they can count me out! Because must I remind you Saline FREEZES.

Bahahaha remember my to-do list found here ? SO yeah I washed one car then it rained...aww too bad, mopped the kitchen, finished one project then decided I didn't really like the other, bought a new dog bed, gave 2 dogs away so I only had to bathe 3, but didn't do that either and I shaved my legs THIS afternoon. BUT I did vacuum the stairs and swept the fake snow off the windows...and obviously got us ready for camping  all in all pretty productive....Heee heee WHERE was my accountability on that people? :-D

This week a monumental thing happened....I hit the double digits with followers.....I know gasp and Thank you!! I really can't believe there are 13 people that actually CHOOSE to hear the BS I have to say every day. This truly amazes me *teary eyed* I still remember the day I logged on to find one persons face on my little blog...such a giddy feeling <3

So the Hubs must have really missed me, maybe he's feeling a lil lovey dovey right now, but the following conversation is on the record and you guys have to back me up incase he reniggs....I'll fast forward to the good part....
 Him -"So Babe, I'm gonna file taxes tomorrow"
Me- "OK"
Him- "What are you gonna do with your thousand"
Me- "I'm sorry, did you just say MY thousand"?
Him-"Yeah babe I was thnking you could have a grand and do what you want with it"
Me-"What the HELL did you do?"

So yeah at this point I don't care... bahahaha I get some know what I can do with that?

Favorite picture of the week...such a cutie....oh and my son's pretty cute too. bahahaha


SO folks that's it for the Scramble, I'm 3 beers deep, sleep deprived and there is a hotty on the couch hollaring at me, haven't been able to say that for awhile. So either my dog just peed some where or he's had enough of football and we can watch the recorded episodes of FRINGE I have been patiently waiting for. Cause yeah we're THOSE people, less than 24 hours back and he's doing his thing and I'm doing mine...ehh count your blessings, otherwise you wouldn't get to hear my mouth and where would you be?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Home is Where Your Heart is.


So before you begin to read this there is one thing I NEED you to understand....the Hubs and I were married young, so young in fact that the parental unit had to sign for it (guess you probably just figured out where I'm from huh?)  I grew up in a semi-privileged  world, always had everything I wanted and needed and the Hubs more or less not.  He has always tried his best to provide for us, sometimes even moonlighting on the side to keep the lights on. I am  stubborn and he was is hard headed and we were determined to make our way in the world... on our own! AHHHH such dreams.

So when Mama Kat threw out the prompts for her Writer's Workshop today...I thought....bahaha I GOT this one.  The idea is to write about all the homes you grew up in....well from birth to marriage there were only 2, in middle life suburbia where all I ever did was sass the parents and whine to get more stuff.....Soo after maritial bliss is where the fun begins and where the world straight smacked me in the face....and so it begins.

The first Apartment we ever occupied seemed so perfect, then again we were young and in love and riding off into the sunset in our little KIA...right into the ghetto.  It was a 2 bedroom, maybe 700 sq ft box of  indoor outdoor carpeting, electric that was always on the fritz and roaches big enough to claim on taxes. Not exactly either one of our dream places, and for years the Hubby beat himself up over not being able to afford anything more. But you know what, it's the most memorable, and humbling place we've ever lived. And talk about a community that took care of it's own, if you were part of it, you were taken care of. The little old lady that lived above us, watched my baby and you know how I paid her? Did her laundry, and her shopping. This was a community that didn't have much, but if they had it, it was yours. I never celebrated ANY holiday by myself, we were always invited to every Sunday dinner and BBQ and if your clothes were in the dryer and someone else needed it, they folded them and brought them to you...and never stole your undies :)

Once I had a flat and got a ride home, my ride refused to drive into my neighborhood out of fear, the one emotion I NEVER felt there. SO what did I do? Hoofed it through crack corner and hooked up with a group of everybody's grandmas  that walked every day and straight to the house...I LOVED that place. And being able to say that I set on our front steps and watch not 1 but 2 rap videos pretty cool. It's an experience I'll never forget....WELCOME my friends to Oakmont North in Norflok, VA.

We've been military now for ten years and done a lot of moving, Hell I could write an expo on military housing alone....and that's exactly what our next home was base housing. Now we lucked out because our second duty station was great housing, but wait there's a catch. Anyone ever heard of Lemoore, California ??? Yeah didn't think so...that's because it barely exists. But man we thought we'd hit the JACKPOT. from a 2 bedroom East coast to a 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath, 2 car garage with a sliding glass door that actually opened West coast dream! Or so we thought. Lemoore is nothing but dairy farms and cotton fields with a base in the middle.We had to drive 40 something miles to the nearest Walmart! Not the California everyone thinks of huh? But for me it was the confirmation of a marriage, seems weird huh? But somehow moving from one coast to the other to follow my man, made it all the more real for me. So I have awesome memories of being outside with  boys, our favorite field that was always full of bunnies, Christmas lights on the palm trees, I had my first medical mystery, the oldest had his first set of stitches, the youngest really started talking and some of our first bonds with other military families came about  there. So this home also holds a special place in my heart. There's often times I'd like to live there again.

Then Uncle Sam decided we were too comfy and shipped us off to Texas....and man that was a WHOLE different ballgame. You see the Hubs had decided he wasn't seeing enough action in the Navy and ships weren't really his thing, he wanted guns and lots of naturally (remember he's a hard head) the Army was calling his name :) So to Fort Hood we go...yes the tragedy at Hood this year hit us hard, we still have quite a few friends still there.  Again we found ourselves in base housing....BAD choice. Back to 2 bedroom 1 bath (that had jack and jill doors to boot...and they couldn't both be opened at the same time) crappy floored house. But that was the first time we actually had the funds to decorate and man was I excited! The boys shared a room again, but we had all new furniture, the kitchen was tiny but I labored in love for hours for all our friends.  My Desperate Housewives with Hot Cocoa night was founded's a tradition I still honor <3 We were in a place that was all about community again and that felt good. Our oldest went to his first day of kindergarten from that house, the youngest learned to ride a bike there. Life long friends were made there, ones I still talk to every day and have held hands with through major tragedies, the kind that are still apart of our holidays? All in all minus the little things that house was a home filled with love.  

But the Hubs being who he is, always striving for better and even  better decided to make another career move...and that brought us here...back to the East coast. We've slowly but surely worked our way up as far as houses and neighborhoods go. We're back to a four bedroom multi-bath and garaged house, that finally feels like home. We've got colored walls...which is a big  deal when you've stared at white and or dingy walls your entire married career, and wonderful community and a house that is always filled with laughter. This house already has become a staple in our minds. This is where we lived when the Hubs best friend and the boy's godfather was killed in action, where the boys got to meet their grandfather for the first time, where their Daddy heard the first I love you's from him. Our marriage was Fireproofed here and our family made stronger. Our oldest will graduate from elementary, our youngest has become his own person, hopefully another baby will be added here. Dreams have been achieved and a woman, wife, and mom has found herself..
Those in my eyes are the things that make a home.

I only chose to highlight some of my favorite and most memorable houses, we've moved ALOT and you would never get through this post if I listed them all. I didn't intend for this to be an emotional post, but I'm sitting here teary eyed thinking about where we've come from and where we are now, and it only makes me wonder what changes are in store for the next ten years!

Have fun writng ya'll and thanks again Mama Kat for the inspiration!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Car decals will be my Death


So I now spend my days glued to all these MARVELOUS blogs and I get to read little snippets about all these AWESOME ladies. Which in itself is really cool. I've learned about some of your names, your storage ideas, your dogs and grandmas. But there are some things I am dying to know...and I know you wanna know the same things about me, cause everyone does, but you're too shy to ask *wink*

I figured what a better way to get to know the ladies that I now interact with on a daily basis then to get down to the nitty gritty. So after I answer some of the most crucial questions anyone could ever ask, I'd like for you to do the same...or even if you wanna just pick a few to answer in a comment I would be totally estatic err umm cool with that in a totally not nosy way.

Feel free to do the same on your blog if you're needing some inspiration today.
So I'll go first, not cause I ALWAYS wanna be the line leader...but it is my blog....just kidding.

If you could have one wish what would it be? <-----no world peace...this is not Miss America
        I would totally be a guy for one day, just to see where all I could stick IT :)

What's on your bedside table?
     Usually an alarm clock, garden gnome, and my current book.....right now...all the usual AND like 5 empty glasses, 2 beer bottles, a plate, and the remote!

If you could be a cartoon character who would it be?
    Betty Boop....she has the best boobs EVER <3

If you could recreate a vacation and or event from a movie what would it be?
    Have you seen The Hangover? Nuff said bahaha

What peeves you to the up most? It can be anything silly or very serious?
  Decals on cars, not bumperstickers I always get a laugh out of those! See pictures below:


"Hello walking target, let me follow you home"

"Because you need to let the world know you/or the hubs is a Master Sergeant sooo bad you had to place it in three different spots on your vehicle? Well hell you're still not getting my parking spot"


These are cute, and I wanted one for the longest, so I put one on FB. But it's not so cute when there's 12 kids and 48 really? I swear I am gonna make one and put nothing but me and Goldfish on 200 of them.

It's so hard for me to concentrate on the road!!!

SO just a lil diddy...hopefully you'll play along....have a WONDEROUS day.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


 So for reasons unknown, be it fates of the Gods or what not, my kiddos and I have had a very uneventful morning (well one puppy got dropped...he's fine) which is totally out of character for us. You see I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON! One boy is and one boys isn't, so the one that wakes up singing is my role model for a short period of the day. BUT this morning is different, we all woke up in a "Sound of Music" mood, everything is ready and we have some time to kill.

This post is born as they sit on my oasis  computer room floor and chat with me....see I told you it was unusual, no grunts just convo :) Boy #1 said something about the mom on Family guy and how smarty pants she could be and Boy #2 said something like just like our mom and Mom (me) said something like really how? I want examples.... and boy did they give them to me....hmmm

 I shit you not...these are real things that at some point in the day I found myself saying to my boys. The shocking's all completely normal round here!!

  1. Why do you have puppies in a pillow case?
  2. Is there a reason you did that in the house?
  3. Did you seriously just teabag your brother?
  4. I didn't think you'd know about that till your hormones rage.
  5. Stop taking pictures of your one chest hair, that no one else thinks is there.
  6. Nooo febreeze does not take the place of soap
  7. And how many times did you walk over that pile of poop?
  8. Which Mom said she was gonna call the cops on you?
  9. You have clean underwear so why are you free balling?
  10. Why can't you spray paint things in the woods...that way no one knows it was you.
  11. Give me back my lighter and your Dad's pocket knife, you're supposed to be playing not becoming the next uni-bomber.
  12. AND my prized quip for the day: I really need a girl, so which one of you wants to wear dresses?

Sometimes I fear for my children's  mental stability. And if they end up on Oprah or Jerry Springer, I can say "I saw that coming." What kind of Mother am I? Bahahaha


Monday, January 18, 2010

Making a list Monday


So it's Sunday night, the boys and I have just finished watching Paranormal Activities and eating a meal that I actually cooked for the first time in over a week (chicken noodle soup and grill cheeses is a meal :P )
My monsters are scared shitless and refuse to come up stairs now, and I am thinking it was probably not the best choice of movies when Dad is gone......Oh well no use in crying over spilled milk, and two cuddle buddies won't be so bad tonight, but the 5 dogs might.

I'm making my list tonight because I have every intention of doing something besides staring at the computer screen tomorrow, we'll see how that goes.(hey I'm a realist)  Usually when the Hubs is away my house sparkles..albeit I do everything on a different schedule then usual, but my BIGGEST mess maker isn't here, which helps alot.

The problem this time is I have discovered so many WONDERFUL blogs and all their wonderful creations and my mind is spinning. This past week I have done started so many great things and I have finished quite a few.....but my house is in complete shambles and my children have eaten Banquet dinners or nonsense that they've scavenged  on their own for the better part of the week. So I HAVE GOT TO GET IT TOGETHER!!!
Plus the Hubs comes home and he need not know I'm such a slacker.

I've always been a list kinda gal and think it would do me some good to have some lists that are "set in stone" so to speak that I can't "lose" or put off till tomorrow, or delegate to the kiddos <----that's my fav thing to do (don't judge me)
Here's what I have need will attempt to get done this week.

  • Shampoo the carpets
  • Mop ALL my floors
  • Clean both cars <---Hubs will shit a brick
  • Finish the 2 projects I have left
  • ALL the laundry
  • Mail that damn book for the swap
  •  Organize, Put away my craft stuff
  • Clean the fridge...I swear something waved at me.
  • Hose the fake snow of the windows...ehh there's still a chance of snow
  • Clean and pack the camping gear for the scout camp-out this coming weekend...blahhh
  • Cut out the games for the teacher that I have had for a month while now
  • Bathe all 5 4 dogs
  • Make a new slipcover for the dogs bed
  • Shave my legs
Well there you have it....Come back next Monday to see what rolls over to next weeks to-dos, although I am pretty certain the legs will be shaved by Friday ;0)


What tops your list for this week? You trying to be Super Woman too?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trying to find a fit


 SOO I know I have changed this layout a  few times, but trying to find one that fits and makes me giddy is so hard!!
It's a lazy Sunday, the boys are out playing GI Joe...go figure and we've done our 30 minute power clean for the day...the house needs more than that, but we live like bachelors when Daddy's gone, complete with frozen dinners :) 
If you guys will bare with me I am trying to find a template that sreams ME. So I am devoting the day to doing just that. I'm not even sure why I am posting this but I guess I am starved for conversations at the moment, that don't include anything to do with "well he did it first" or "I swear I was gonna let him have it"and last but not least "do we have to" plus I wanted to give you the heads up.
Once I find that "magical" look I WILL leave it alone..I swear, promise, ok I'll try.Blame it on my fickle A.D.D. that my parents never had me treated for.

If you have any insite feel free to share. Anyone have any awesome input?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Box of LOVE

V-day is soon approaching and I'm soo excited. Even though I have spent at least 6 (that I can remember) out of 10 years of Valentines Days with the Hubs gone....I've never lost that giddy school girl feeling over a day devoted to romance. 

It's looking like this may be year number 7, so this year I thought I'd do something I've never done before...send gifts to other women that I barely know from online. NO I am not on the internet trolling, I joined a Valentines Day Swap.....doesn't that sound great?

Katie is so graciously hosting a swap and it sounds like so much FUN! I think it is so awesome that someone, somewhere, is gonna send me some great surprises, and I get to do the same! Head on over, check it out and let me know if you sign up!! I can't's like Christmas all over again!

Loves of Life

p.s. Don't be mad at the Hubby, I'm not, I miss him, but I'm so proud of him I'll excuse his absences :) Plus he buys me goowit stuff <3

Friday, January 15, 2010

The A.B.C.s of Me, or something like it

This morning while browsing some of my newest obsessions reads I came acrossed a post of Justine's about her name and it's origin a.k.a how her momma picked it.  After her encouragement I decided to link up with  Mama Kat's Writers Workshop too!!

Mama's Losin' It

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My First Link Up!!

So as of tomorrow I am participating in my first blog party (of sorts) Anyway Lori over @ Life as Lori is hosting what she's calling "Get your Craft On" which I think is very fitting!! As you all know I have begun a computer room take over and since I am the obsessed ummm avid computer user it gets to be my oasis, and I am super siked to use some ideas I've had in my back pocket for awhile. Plus I am hoping to get it done before the Hubby returns sooooo this was just the motivation I was needing to get my lazy, no project finishing, butt in gear!

If after you take a look at my simple yet thrifty project and decide "Hey that looks like fun I wanna join"....just click here....

Get your craft on Thurs.

I am sure Lori would LOVE to have you.

So here goes nothing, I will apologize that I did not do step by step pictures, but lets face it most of us know how to use spray paint and a glue gun and my project is super easy a caveman could do it, so I won't bore you. Plus I am in desperate need of a mani and don't want picture proof of such :)

I went on a little excursion with the Bestie today (no I am not in middle school, please over look the verbage) any whoo It's a few days before pay day so we decided to frequent the base thrift shops...God bless the military, we move so much we always have to get rid of GOOD stuff. I went today with DIY in mind and was looking for a gem of a piece, or well what I could turn into one, and this is what I found.

Alas a pot only a mother could love...but as the pic says it was  $1.50 so if I screw it up ehhh I'll collect some change from under the couch cushions.

I wondered on paint colors etc...then I thought...go with white Resh. The room is bright (as all get out) and this can serve as an understated accent piece...cause duh it's a pot.

Ok so on to the next step....gathering supplies. Pretty easy!! I bought Spanish Moss from the thrift store cause I LOVE it and think you can never have too much moss and because it was again a $1 something and I figured I could use it somewhere. On to Wally world for spray paint, which I am pretty sure I had, but with my deliquents you never know who decided to "tag" the trach cans or government sidewalks..which by the way is gonna cost us BIG. Oh and I needed something to put IN the pot. So I found some leafy spikes..which you will see later, because I forgot to photograph them :( Sorry
4. Spanish Moss
5. Handy Dandy Glue Gun

This was soo super easy and cheap! So for a little under 6 bucks I got a fabulous arrangement that I LOVE. I probably could have bought one on clearance, broken, and the wrong colors for a few dollars more, but then I wouldn't have been able to blog about it now would I?

So here she is in all her Glory

SO what'yas think?
p.s I made the green and white pillow out of an old purse and it's more or less my inspiration for the room. The yellow one was $1.50 at the thrift store and I am hoping to sew some sequins on it and some how use it in the room I have a vision for and hope to bring to life!


Well I figured since I am in the PARTYING mood and might as well jump in feet Lori was so wonderful and tipped me off to a few more parties!!

So I've added buttons for all my links this Thursday!

Steph over at Somewhat Simple  is hosting Strut Your Stuff Thursday


Since my arrangement was such a thrifty transformation I figured I would link up with Gina at The Shabby Chic Cottage for  Transformation Thursdays!! Check her out..

The Shabby Chic Cottage


Till we meet again I've got more to DIY!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Bruno and my excuses to be lazy

Morning ALL, well ok afternoon...I swear it was the morning when I started this crap. I got the brite idea yesterday to try and "revamp" my blog...haha. It's left me feeling like a "ruh-tard". SO after 2 days of struggling I said screw-it! But in the blog world I am semi on track with my book challenge. I signed up at Book Chick City and am really enjoying it...check it out!

AND alas I have new pics YAY!  I thought I would show you my reasons for doing much of nothing, and avoiding everything. I think they are darn cute reasons too! Here they are....

This is Paisley's first and probably only litter. That's Pacoon, Bruno, and Louie, couldn't you just eat them?
Lets face it puppies need lots of love and attention, especially when the Hubs is gone and the boys and I don't need a legitimate reason to be lazy. So it's working pretty well for me right now..bahahaha

I'm keeping Bruno, he's my new baby and much to all the males dismay  that occupy my home, he will have super cute lil outfits.

I'm sure you are ignoring my super shiny face and looking only at the adorable 2 pound chihuahua I am holding.
So in effort to get new babies, instead of the whole let's expand the family via humans, we bred the dogs!! And despite all the quarter sized puddles of pee all over my home and constantly having your toes attacked when scrambling through the's HANDS DOWN the best decision I ever made <3

So I bid you good day with one last pic of Baby Bruno to really drive the point home on why I have accomplished nothing, and still have half painted furniture and semi finished projects sitting all over my house. I'm sure you'll understand!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day BLAHH

Welp I did it again this year.....feeling like I got trashed on New Years....haha wonder why? We rang in 2010 with a bang as usual, this was the first year though that the offspring did not celebrate with us. I sit here wondering how they got so big so fast and how they made New Year plans before we did?
I did make some resolutions...did you? You think you'll keep them?
1. Get healthy
2. Stop smoking (I know it goes with #1)
3. Get our finances in order
4. Travel (with or without the hubby)
5. Except what I can not change (I'm neurotic, it might be hard)
6. Get a new camera

Considering we've already broke the bank, I have a hangover and I am puffing on a marlboro as I write this.....I'm thinking traveling without the Hubs, cause he'll be MIA for most of 2010, but with a new camera might be the only kept resolutions..bahaha that's 2 more than I kept last year :)
We had a great Christmas this year and it was prolly one of the most memorable. I got most of everything I asked for minus the camera, either Santa didn't get my ammended letter or thought I've been quite naughty...most likely the later.
I have big plans for the house this year and have already begun the overhaul. We've decided to stay put for the next year, which is something I am beginning to get quite excited about! YAY
I finally got all the green paint out of my hair...which was a task in itself. I have finally come to terms with J wanting to put the computer upstairs, but only after a heated debate of turning the extra bedroom into an office and I won all the decorating rights to the room...I do usually win. teheee
So even if I have to buy a flippin disposable camera and picture cd it, I WILL post pics of the changes. Already the room has gone from a blah beige colored laundry heap to a very chic Swamp Splash freshly vacuumed oasis. I've got some very good ideas for some branch sculpture thingys similar to this.....but bigger and possibly white. So I am hoping everyone's New Year is starting off exactly the way you planned...mine most certainly is, now for some sort of cure for the party last night so that I can be somewhat productive today...see ya soon <3
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