Friday, August 27, 2010

From the Mouths of Babes

Just a few of the lil quips from the passengers of The CrAzY TrAin that I found noteworthy this week. Not sure if I should be appalled, giggle, proud or dismayed, but whatever the reaction they were quoted and make for interesting blog fodder...

"This is like a bad episode of Oprah" ~ Ethan
(I was unaware Oprah makes his afternoon watch list)

"Well Ethan, this is just another case of you wasting your intelligence" ~ Izayah

"That's why they invented hand need to shower" ~ Ethan
(wonder what Oprah'd say about that one?)

"Yeah her death stare is worse than her throwing a shoe" ~ Izayah
(I don't throw shoes at my children...ok maybe just once ahem)

"My Spanish teacher is grumpy. But she's from Cuba, so I'm pretty sure Castro has something to do with her mood" ~ Ethan 

"You're really in college?? I thought you just faked studying so you didn't have to clean" ~ Izayah
(yes I am growing aware of this child's image of me blah)

Kids say the darndest things, mine especially!

My sister and I have joked that we're gonna start "quote books" for all of our clans. I think it would be such a cute idea and what memories to pass down to my kiddos kiddies!

So do your offspring have any quotable moments? I'd love to hear them =}

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